Barber Surgeon

Barber Surgeon

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The Barber Surgeon: A Comprehensive Guide

The barber surgeon class is a unique and versatile player character that can perform both medical and combat duties. This class has a rich history and is well known throughout the realms where barber surgeons were often the only medical professionals available to the general public. In the game, the barber surgeon can diagnose and treat patients, perform surgeries, and even use their medical tools in battle.

The barber surgeon is a unique and versatile character and a subclass of the doctor class. This profession is a blend of grooming, medicine, and combat, making it a desirable choice for players who enjoy a mix of different play styles with deep roleplaying. The barber surgeon has a rich history and a unique playstyle and offers numerous opportunities for customization and growth.

Everyone needs a haircut once in a while, luckily there are barber surgeons who only want to cut the hair.

History of the Barber Surgeon

The barber surgeon profession is thought to have originated from the strict cleanliness practices of monks centuries ago. Monks were required to keep their heads shaved and bodies clean, which created a demand for grooming services. The first barber surgeons were monks who offered haircuts and shaves to their fellow brethren, as well as simple medical services like bloodletting and wound dressing.

Sometimes they just can’t be saved.

As the popularity of the well-groomed monks grew, and the trend inspired non-monks to look the part, so did the demand for barber surgeons. Eventually, the profession spread beyond the monasteries and into the larger society. As time passed and the people began to acquire tools to groom themselves, the barber surgeons took on other jobs. Already the barber was skilled with a blade. Thus, the use of this skill in medical practices proved an only natural. Barber surgeons soon became the primary source of medical care for the common people, offering services like wound treatment, bloodletting, and even minor surgery. 

Some barber surgeons even opened bathhouses where people could come together to bathe, cleanse their aura, and clean their clothes. While others focused on the entertainment of performance, showing off their skill, or specializing in performing more detailed surgeries.

The barber surgeons’ expertise in handling sharp instruments like razors and bone saws led to their effective participation in combat beyond combat healing. As a result, some barber surgeons evolved into a unique hybrid of groomers, doctors, and warriors. The barber surgeon subclass is a playable character class that combines these different aspects of the historical profession.

Playstyle of the Barber Surgeon

The barber surgeon is a unique and versatile character class that offers players a mix of combat, healing, and support abilities. In combat, the barber surgeon is a formidable opponent who can build up bleed effects on enemies, using razor blades and bone saws to deliver precise cuts that cause severe bleed damage and eventually cause a state of shock. The barber surgeon also has the ability to provide first aid to wounded allies, using its bandaging skills to close wounds and stop bleeding. Since the barber surgeon’s healing is based on first aid, it must usually be performed ASAP!

One of the most distinctive features of the barber surgeon is the way it utilizes the “doctor’s sanctuary” ability. This ability deters opponents from attacking the barber surgeon by requiring them to pass a check before they can attack the doctor. This ability is a powerful tool for the barber surgeon, allowing them to function as a combat medic by getting up close and personal in the heat of battle to treat wounded allies or deliver deadly bleeding cuts to enemies. Despite its low armor class, the barber surgeon is a formidable combatant who can reliably operate in the heat of battle. 

A Barber Surgeon aiding a wounded warrior on the battlefield.

The barber surgeon has also found that the use of leeches is most effective for bloodletting, both in moderate amounts when healing the wounded, and even more to help build up the bleed count on enemies in combat.

The barber surgeon can also prescribe simple enhancing drugs for their patients. These drugs can help provide focus and hinder fatigue, but overuse may come with severe downsides. This makes the barber surgeon an ideal choice for players who enjoy supporting their allies and helping their party reach its goals.

The multiple practices of the Barber Surgeon

One of the unique aspects of the barber surgeon is its ability to open a practice using its “doctor’s bag.” In addition to combat, the barber surgeon has a range of support abilities that makes it a valuable member of any adventuring party. The barber surgeon can use their doctor’s bag, purchased from the doctors guild, to open a practice, which is magically enhanced to fit a variety of different rooms or stores, such as a bathhouse, surgery room, or butchery. 

Even a wood elf needs a relaxing bath after a few days of adventuring.

The bathhouse is a communal space where players can come together to bathe and have their clothes cleaned. This room can be upgraded to offer additional services, such as the surgery room which allows for the barber surgeon to specialize in performing operations on other players, enhancing their abilities. These “rooms” are part of the barber surgeon’s practice and show different paths they choose when upgrading their doctor’s bag. 

The barber surgeon has multiple ways to differentiate their practice depending on the kind of character the player wants to create. 

In conclusion, the barber surgeon is a unique and versatile player character. With its rich history, strategic medical practices, and combat prowess, the barber surgeon is a valuable addition to any adventuring party. Whether healing allies or delivering deadly cuts to enemies, the barber surgeon is an indispensable member of any team.

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