Doctors Guild

Doctors Guild

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The Doctors Guild: A Brief History and Analysis

Convincing those in power was no easy task, never the less it had to be done for the greater good.

In a time when the practice of medicine was rapidly expanding, a group of physicians came together with a common goal: to regulate and monopolize their profession. The reasons for this were twofold. Firstly, with the increasing popularity of the job and its associated prestige and pay, many individuals without proper training began to call themselves doctors, leading to poor advice being given to patients and general confusion about who was truly qualified to practice medicine. Secondly, the physicians were concerned about the negative impact these non-qualified individuals had on their reputation and their profession.

The founders of the guild were able to convince rulers that monopolization of the medical profession was necessary, and thus the Doctors Guild was born. However, they were required to make some compromises in order to gain control. 

One of the main public reasons for creating the guild was to prevent the spread of misinformation and subpar medical practices. In the early days of medicine, anyone could call themselves a doctor without real training or knowledge of anatomy and medicine. This led to a proliferation of charlatans and quacks, who often did more harm than good to their patients. The founding physicians recognized the importance of establishing a set of standards for medical practice and thus set about creating the guild to ensure that only those who had received proper training could call themselves doctors.

The guild’s founders faced significant opposition from critics who saw the guild’s creation as a way to secure higher pay for themselves and the other physicians. However, the guild’s founders convinced the rulers of the realm that establishing a guild was necessary for the good of the people. The guild was able to monopolize the medical profession and soon became the only organization that could determine who was qualified to practice medicine.

One of the challenges faced by the guild was how to include other medical professionals, such as barber surgeons and witch doctors, who had different methods of training and practice. The guild was required to respect the fact that becoming a doctor was not solely possible through academic study and was ordered to allow for other forms of medical training, such as apprenticeships and practical experience, to be recognized as well. This allowed for a more inclusive definition of what it meant to be a doctor and ensured that the guild was not seen as a self-serving organization but rather as one that was dedicated to the health and well-being of the people.

Over time, more professions were added to the control of the Doctors Guild, including the latest addition of the scientists. The inclusion of the scientists was a contentious issue within the guild, with some members arguing that their experiments had clouded their minds and that they were only doctors by title. Nonetheless, their knowledge of anatomy was unparalleled and so they were eventually included.

The Benefits of the Monopolization

One of the main benefits of monopolization of the medical profession through the Doctors Guild is the improvement of standards. By only allowing individuals who have completed specific training set forth by the guild to practice medicine, the public can be assured that those who call themselves doctors are truly qualified and capable of providing quality care.

Furthermore, monopolization has allowed for greater consistency and uniformity in the practice of medicine. With all doctors operating under the same set of rules and guidelines, there is less room for misunderstandings and inconsistencies in treatment. This has led to improved patient outcomes and greater public trust in the medical profession as a whole.

Doctors are of great value to any community

Another benefit of monopolization is the protection of the reputation of the profession. The physicians who founded the Doctors Guild were concerned about the negative impact that non-qualified individuals were having on the reputation of their profession. By monopolizing the profession, they were able to eliminate this problem and protect the reputation of the medical profession.

The Controversies Surrounding the Doctors Guild

Despite the many benefits of monopolization, the Doctors Guild has also faced a great deal of criticism and controversy. One of the main criticisms is the restriction of competition in the medical profession. By only allowing individuals with specific qualifications to practice medicine, the guild has effectively created a monopoly, preventing other individuals from entering the field. This has led to higher pay for members of the guild and a restriction of choice for patients.

One of the most controversial decisions in the history of the Doctors Guild was the inclusion of the death doctors. These doctors were responsible for carrying out interrogations, executions, and torture for powerful governmental and religious forces. The guild was threatened with being shut down if they did not include these often unpopular doctors, and so, the guild was forced to include these doctors due to pressure from powerful governmental and religious organizations. As the death doctors function as a very useful tool in their darkest and most secretive work and implementing them in the guild would help legitimize their profession.

Important matters are being discussed in one of the great halls of the Doctors Guild Halls in some copyrighted city.

The Doctors Guild has been a staple of the realm for centuries, playing a crucial role in shaping the medical profession and ensuring that only those who have been properly trained are able to practice medicine. Despite the controversies surrounding its creation and its eventual expansion to include a wide range of medical professionals, the guild has proven to be a vital component in maintaining the health and general well-being of the people.

In recent years, the guild has faced new challenges as new medical fields have emerged. The inclusion of scientists, for example, was a controversial decision, as some guild members argued that their experimentation had clouded their minds and that they were not truly doctors. However, the guild recognized the importance of including these professionals, who brought with them a unique perspective on medicine and anatomy. Despite the initial resistance, the guild was able to incorporate the scientists into its ranks, and today they are considered to be valuable members of the medical community.

The Guild at present day

The Doctors Guild is now a well-respected organization that has been serving the people for centuries. Its main objective is to maintain the highest standards of care for patients by ensuring that its members have undergone proper training and adhere to a strict code of ethics. However, the guild still struggles with maintaining this image due to corruption within. The guild has expanded over the years to include eight different professions, each with its own set of standards and training requirements.

The guild is led by a board of representatives from each profession, with the physicians having the casting vote in the event of a tie. Thus maintaining a supreme role within the guild. The annual meetings of the board are an important event, as they discuss the future of the guild, the standard of care of each profession, and any new developments in the field. The board meetings do also contain the inclusion of any new professions to the guild. The guild is committed to ensuring that the training of its members remains at the highest level and that new members are carefully screened and trained to meet the guild’s standards.

Guild members studying to increase their skills in various disciplines.

In addition to training and education, the guild also plays a critical role in providing their members with the Doctors’ Guild emporium, a place where all doctors can purchase upgrades to their gear and Doctor’s bag. The guild emporium is usually the only source to gear improvements for the Doctors since the items are very specific, and the guild cracks down hard on any unauthorized sale. The guild also works closely with governments and other organizations to promote public health and improve access to medical care for all citizens.

A potion shop is a welcome sight for an adventurer, there are no limits to the exotic brews and potions for sale in a doctor’s store.

The guild’s commitment to excellence has not gone unnoticed, and most of its members are widely respected for their expertise and dedication to their patients. Others, such as the death doctor and witch doctor, are generally feared or misunderstood. This contrast in guild membership is still subject to much criticism. 

In conclusion, the Doctors Guild has been a significant force in the field of medicine for centuries. The guild continues to play a vital role in shaping the future of medicine, and its members are proud to be a part of such a respected, important, and lucrative organization.

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