The Apothecary

The Apothecary

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What is an Apothecary?

Apothecaries are a staple of many societies and have been a part of history for centuries. From ancient times to the present day, apothecaries have been known for their expertise in the art of mixing and brewing various remedies, potions, and elixirs. The Apothecary Doctor subclass brings this age-old tradition to the tabletop, providing players with a unique and powerful character class. In this article, we will explore what it means to play as an Apothecary in Dungeons and Dragons and the benefits that this subclass brings to the game.

What is an Apothecary in Dungeons and Dragons?

In Dungeons and Dragons, an Apothecary is a character subclass specializing in creating and using potions and elixirs. These characters are known for their ability to mix different compounds to create remedies that have a wide range of benefits. For example, an Apothecary might mix a potion that can heal wounds or boost a player’s strength and dexterity. The art of brewing and mixing is central to the Apothecary subclass, and it is up to the player to decide which compounds to use and in what combinations.

When brewing potions, the player must choose with care, for each added compound will increase the risk of brewing a faulty potion. Faulty potions are only revealed when the potion is used and may cause unwanted effects. The apothecary must be careful in their experimentation, lest they risk causing harm to themselves or others.

Despite this danger, adventurers and the general public highly value the apothecary subclass. The apothecary is often the only source of special ingredients, potions, and elixirs, making them an indispensable resource for any party of adventurers. They can provide crucial support on the battlefield, healing wounds and enhancing the abilities of their allies. Additionally, the apothecary is often a valuable source of information, as they are familiar with many different ingredients and their effects.

This wood elf ranger is having a rather bad day. The potion he was served had a bit too many ingredients in it and it backfired.

Benefits of Playing as an Apothecary

Playing as an Apothecary has several benefits for a player. First and foremost, this subclass provides a wide range of valuable remedies and elixirs that can significantly benefit the entire party. Whether it is a potion to heal wounds, increase strength, grant temporary immunity to certain types of damage, or cause damage to an enemy, an Apothecary can help turn the tide of battle. Additionally, the ability to brew and mix remedies gives the player a degree of versatility and flexibility in combat. For example, if a player faces a particularly tough opponent, they might create a potion that boosts their resilience, giving them an edge in the fight.

Potions brewed by the Apothecary are not only defensive but some may also be used for offensive measures. Like the expansive gel that is incredibly sticky and flammable!

Another benefit of playing as an Apothecary is the ability to trade remedies and elixirs. This can be especially useful for players looking to make a profit or acquire rare ingredients. An Apothecary can sell or trade their remedies and elixirs to create a passive income stream whenever the players visit populated areas. 

The Apothecary is hard at work, experimenting with capturing the essence of flames.

Finally, playing as an Apothecary provides players with a unique and interesting character that can stand out in a crowded field of adventurers. The ability to mix and brew remedies is not only useful, but it also adds a level of depth and creativity to the character. Players can experiment with different combinations of compounds and see what kind of remedies they can create, allowing them to personalize their Apothecary in a way that is unique to them.


However, there is a dark side to the apothecary subclass that is often hidden from the public. The long hours spent in the laboratory, mixing and experimenting with dubious compounds, can take a toll on the mind of the apothecary. This intense focus on their craft can lead to an obsession with their own abilities and a desire to push the limits of what is possible with their potions. In extreme cases, this can result in the creation of a potion that enhances the inner ego of the apothecary, transforming them into powerful but savage beings.

This transformation, known as “Ego,” is the result of a mixture of powerful compounds that are carefully selected by the apothecary and fitted to themselves personally. When consumed, the Ego potion temporarily lowers the apothecary’s intelligence while increasing their strength and constitution. This transformation is highly dangerous, as the apothecary is no longer fully in control of their actions and may harm themselves or others.

Beware the Ego staying in this form for too long will have a dark and undesirable outcome.

Despite these dangers, the allure of the Ego is too great for some apothecaries to resist. They may be driven by a desire for power or a lust for violence that they are unable to control in their normal state. For these apothecaries, Ego is a release from the constraints of their own mind, a chance to indulge in their darkest desires.

Equipment and Tools of the Trade

One of the defining characteristics of the Apothecary subclass is the equipment and tools that they use to create their remedies and elixirs. This equipment is essential to the Apothecary and can greatly impact the quality and effectiveness of their remedies.

The basic equipment for an Apothecary includes a set of vials and bottles for storing their remedies and ingredients, a mortar and pestle for grinding ingredients, and a set of scales for measuring ingredients. Additionally, most Apothecaries carry a Doctor’s bag, which is a special bag that is magically designed to store and organize their equipment and ingredients. The magically enhanced bag even holds the Apothecary’s laboratory. The Doctor’s bag is an essential tool for any Apothecary, and it is highly recommended that players invest in one if they want to play this subclass.

The apothecary is equipped with a laboratory by purchasing the doctor’s bag, which provides access to a mobile laboratory. The doctor’s bag and its contents can later be upgraded as the subclass becomes more experienced. This laboratory is where the apothecary creates their potions and experiments with different compounds. It is also where they refine their Ego mixture, making it stronger and more potent with each iteration.

Who knows what wonderous potions you will be able to create with the near-infinite amount of ingredients you may find in Faerun?

As the apothecary advances in their skills, they may also gain access to additional tools and equipment, such as a garden to grow their own special ingredients and keep costs down or a specialized grinding stone for processing ingredients. These tools allow the apothecary to expand their craft and create even more powerful potions and elixirs.

In conclusion, the apothecary subclass is a highly versatile and valuable addition to any party of adventurers. They provide crucial support on the battlefield and are often the only source of special ingredients, potions, and elixirs. However, they must be careful in their experimentation, as the danger of creating a faulty potion or succumbing to the lure of the Ego is always present. For those who can master the art of the apothecary, the rewards are great, but the risks are equally high.

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